
Friday, September 24, 2010

Another gray day….

No pictures today as the place looks pretty much like it did yesterday, just a little wetter and with no birds in sight!  Well there was one dejected looking Heron and in the residential areas there were lots of Steller’s Jay, some Evening Grosbeak, White Crowned Sparrows, Junco, Towhee and even a couple of Song Sparrows….one of our commonest birds in the winter.  Robins are also very busy….we have a lot of Dogwoods that are now covered in fruit and the robins are loving it!

As you can see, I have, with help of a friend, added some ‘gadgets’ to this blog.  The map is live so you can zoom in or out on it.  I will be making future pictures ‘smaller’ so that they won’t over lap the items on the side bar (you’ll be able to make them bigger by clicking on them and then using the return button)….we’ll get this thing working right yet!

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