
Sunday, November 20, 2016

The role weather plays.....

It has been a wet day, haven't heard many details about how this years festival went, although I know the 'official' eagle count yesterday was 22!  In believable number when one is used to  numbers in the hundreds or even thousands....

It all show what a role weather plays so I thought it would be fun to go back and look at what weather and water levels were in years past....

We'll start with 2011 - I didn't have any pictures taken on the 20th that year but...

I did have pictures taken on the 22nd (2011) and as you can see we had snow...and all those dots out there are eagles.......

November 20, 2012

water levels were high that year too it would appear, but not as high as this years, in fact this looks like perfect viewing conditions...think I counted 52 in this picture alone.

On to 2013

obviously low water on the 20th of November that year.  Don't see a lot of eagle though, but that would be the case if levels are really low.

November 20th, 2014 and we were back to fairly high water with lots of activity.  Haven't seen ducks like that yet this year, at least not in close where we can see them.

and here is last year on November 20th....a lot different than today!

One can only hope that as the water levels drop it will look like this again one day soon.

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