
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Up and down it goes

It is an 'up and down' time of the year!

Once the rain let up we got out to find all the paths down at the grasslands, underwater.  In fact at the height of it we couldn't even get down onto the grasslands....

but once the rain stopped, it quickly started draining away.  This was taken this afternoon.  Yesterday all that mud was underwater.

out there the gravel bars, or at least the grass growing on them, is starting to emerge again.  Another day or two and we should have optimal viewing conditions of the birds that are here.

Bald Eagle are perching where ever there is some dry land, the Canada Geese, of course are enjoying the 'lake' and those white things out there are gulls.  No Swans yet but that should start happening pretty soon.

spotted this native King's Cup Gentian growing in the grass out there today, a little beat up but not bad all things considered.  This is about the last plant to flower.

and now, a few people have asked recently about feeding birds....what and where to feed them....and since this could be a winter when the birds really need our help, thought I'd start giving some hints....

we'll start with the Steller's Jay....they can be loud and a bit bullyish although I've never found it to deter the other birds all that much.  If you want to be really nice to Steller's Jay, feed them peanuts.  Peanuts in the shell if you are really kind or to make it a bit more difficult (they can be gluttons) put shelled (raw) peanuts in a peanut feeder.  They also love sunflower seeds.  Cracked corn, often found in cheaper brands of bird seed also makes them happy as does suet.  If you are putting out suet this time of the year, before the cold really hits, then put it in a feeder that jays find difficult to hang onto, otherwise they will just devour it.

Next posting we'll deal with some other species that commonly come to feeders in this area.

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